Travelling Stressful? It Doesn’t Have To Be!

Travelling Stressful? It Doesn’t Have To Be!

If you are preparing for business travel, you may be in a quandary about exactly what you need to do and why. After all, preparing for a business trip isn’t quite like preparing for a pleasure trip. A business trip could be just the same as going to work with the added complication of being out of your office! Here are a few ideas to help you plan for your business trip in a way that reduces stress, supports productivity, and leaves a little room for fun!

Travel can be a fun-filled activity, but always remember to learn at least a few words of the native language. ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ are a must, but phrases such as ‘I’m lost’ and ‘Where is the train station?’ will prove invaluable in the event you actually need them. It’s much easier than trying to act out complicated activities!

If you love to travel but have a chronic illness, don’t fret! Your traveling days are not over. Just remember to travel smart by having all of your necessary medical supplies and emergency information readily accessible. You’ll feel more comfortable leaving home and be prepared for any emergency situation!

When traveling, even in developed nations, always assume your hands are contaminated. Don’t put your fingers in your mouth and avoid eating with your hands. Chances are good you’ve come into contact with hundreds of people and thousands of surfaces, any one of which could be carrying a disease that you aren’t prepared for.

If you’re worried about travelling alone, especially if you’re a female, you should consider taking some self-defense classes before you go. This way you can learn basic ways to get away from a mugger or rapist in the event that you need to. Most areas have a few schools that teach self-defense at reasonable rates.

A GPS navigation system is absolutely vital for any long-distance car trip. If your car did not come with a factory navigation system, you should seriously consider buying one before hitting the open road. GPS helps you find alternative routes when closures, traffic or accidents close the road ahead. GPS can even keep you out of danger if you encounter emergency conditions.

If you are traveling to an area where the tap water tastes strange to you, try using the hotel ice machines to get your water. The ice machines make use of water filters, so the quality is better but you don’t have to cover the expense of bottled water. This can be used for your coffee maker in the room as well as other drinks.

As you search for an inexpensive flight, go to the website for every airline that heads out to your chosen destination. While you can find low fares on sites like Travelocity and Kayak, the best prices are on some of the official airline websites.

Traveling to a foreign country can be fun, but not knowing what the locals are saying is not. Carry a small book of common phrases and translations to help you on your trip. This can really help when you need to ask for directions or book a hotel room for the night.

If you are planning a long cruise, consider selecting a cruise line that offers self-service laundry. This will reduce the amount of laundry you need to bring along when you pack, and is also significantly cheaper than asking the ship’s crew to do your laundry for you. Longer cruises require more clothing, so a laundry is very useful.

So remember, avoiding rushing is the key to successful business travel. By planning your travel well ahead of your meetings and obligations, you will be able to save some money, relax and have a good time. See if you can take a day off before and after the trip to avoid feeling pressured and rushed. In this way, you will have a productive and enjoyable business trip.

Author: Samantha Potts